Extantis sarpolatus
- Kingdom
- Microsynthera
- Phylum
- Plasticae
- Class
- Occlupanida
- Order
- Orthogonidectes
- Family
- Acutignathidae
- Genus
- Extantis
- Species
- sarpolatus
- External morphology
Small lateral palps. Size 21.6 mm X 18 mm
An occlupanid out of time. Occlupanids of family Acutignathidae are exceedingly rare in grocery biomes, as many have been thought to be extinct in the wild. For a brief moment in 2023, Occlupanologist Kurisu (FORC) observed this ‘non-living fossil’ parasitizing bags of Shahrazad Lebanese Bread in Sydney, Australia. However, in the span of a few days, all sightings of E. sarpolatus had disappeared altogether, and all such host breads were now parasitized by Palpatophora utiliformis. Even more curious, the integument of many such recently-collected specimens appear to show signs of deep aging. Had they been dormant all this time like a frozen mastodon, only to reawaken ages later in a changed world that had no place for them? Their tragic mystery is compounded by their small lateral palps- each collected specimen has at least one or more palp missing or trimmed.