Amydromorphus patulus
- Kingdom
- Microsynthera
- Phylum
- Plasticae
- Class
- Occlupanida
- Order
- Orthogonidectes
- Family
- Toxodentidae
- Genus
- Amydromorphus
- Species
- patulus
- External morphology
Small rounded asymmetrical palps. Size 21.7 mm x 24.14mm
Species discovered and described by C. Huning (DWORC). No host information known at this time. There has been some concern among occlupanid morphometricians that genus Amydromophus are actually specimens of Harpops with the sharp palps worn down or broken off. However, a study of comparative edge-anatomy has shown subtle but unmistakable systematic differences in palpular arrangement, proving that Amydromorphus is indeed a distinct taxon. A. patulus possesses the largest oral groove of its genus.