“Flexible flag”

Order Flexivexilla comprises a motley collection of the many strange flapulous pseudoocclupanids that have been collected globally over the years. The divergent shapes nonetheless share some characteristics: Their integument is thin and oftentimes incredibly flexible, and they have a a near-universal affinity for plant life as a primary host. While some Flexivexillids (such as the famous Taxoflora longifolia) imitate the general shapes of elongated occlupanids, others have adopted bizarre mutations to better grasp everything from grocery produce to young sapling trees.

The status of this taxon is constantly debated, as many occlupanologists consider them to be only distantly related to occlupanids, thus putting them outside of the purview of HORG. Still others consider their relationship to the flexible Kirigami to be too close for cladistic comfort, and wish to bring them into the fold of the Occlupanidae, or even move Kirigamiids to their side of the aisle. The image below showcases the dizzying morphological breadth of this order that inspires such caution and acrimony. A few notable collected Flexivexillae have been described, and added to the HORG archives.